Ref: 1805227

Chronis io - 1 channel Wall Timer for io motorization

Technologies compatibles

Les plus

Comfort of automation and centralization

- Chronis io improves customers’ well-being thanks to the benefits of automation and centralization, that is managing applications effortlessly.

Chronis io makes your home safer.

-By smoothly selecting the presence simulation mode, customers can leave their houses peacefully

-If end-users do not come back unexpectedly home, Chronis io closes applications according to either the sunset or a specific time.

Chronis io as an energy saver.

-With the twilight function, the motorized products are closed when the sun goes down, to maximize natural light and keep the home warm in winter.

Easy to use

- End-users are able to fully enjoy Chronis io’ benefits as they can smoothly select their modes (thanks to the mode selector) and easily re-program their automatic orders (thanks to a clear and straightforward interface).

Détails et spécifications

  • Caractéristiques techniques

    Fréquence radio 868.95 MHz
    Portée dans la maison 20 m
    Capacité mémoire 1
    Couleur / Finition Pure
    Indice de protection IP20

    Documents et liens