The icon flashes, the bell rings, and when a visitor presses the call button on the outdoor panel on the screen, their photo is displayed.
Note: If the occupant does not answer the call, the monitor saves the visitor's photo before it stops ringing. To accept the call, press the "communication" icon :
The icon stays lit throughout the call. To end the communication, either press it again, open the gate or activate the electric lock.
Note: if no action is taken, the maximum duration of the call is two minutes.
The microphone on the indoor monitor and the loudspeaker on the outdoor panel are activated only after the call has been accepted. During the call, you can:
Note: the banner on the right displays the RTS products that have been paired with the monitor.
Select the equipment by clicking on the touch-screen button to the right of the corresponding icon:
Select the action to be taken (open/close, up/down or on/off) or click on the touch-screen button next to the arrow to return to the RTS product list.